Call For World Down Syndrome Day Webinar March 2025

World Down Syndrome Day is celebrated annually on March 21st to promote and raise public awareness about this condition with the ultimate goal of enhancing the quality of life for individuals with Down syndrome.

To observe this special day, our Society would like to oer an exciting opportunity for young investigators to present their recent preclinical and clinical ndings in the DS research eld to our international community of researchers and families. The Webinar, hosted by the Education and Training Committee, will be held on April 3rd at 5:00 PM Central European Time (11:00 AM USA Eastern Time). It will consist of short talks, each lasting 10-15 minutes, followed by a brief Q&A session.

We encourage speakers to use language understandable by the general public and to highlight the most signicant research advancements in support to the lives of people with DS and their families.

Young investigators can nominate themselves or be nominated by their research advisor. Please send the nominations by e-mail to and cc to Fiorenza Stagni ( and Marco Emili ( with the nominee’s afiliation and a brief description (max 250 words) of the topic that will be presented by March 10th.

You will help us to create a stimulating Webinar!


Deadline for submissions: March 10th, 2024