London-Cambridge Down syndrome Seminar Series Virtual/Hybrid 2024-2025

Monday 21st October at 4:00pm (UK)

Speaker: Jonathon D. Santoro, MD – Associate Professor of Neurology and Pediatrics, Keck School of Medicine of USC, Los Angelas

Topic: Down syndrome regression disorder

Zoom meeting ID: 978 9787 6464

Zoom meeting passcode: 736736

In person location: 3rd floor meeting room, Queen Square House, UCL

Host: Clíona Farrell and Elizabeth Fisher (UCL)

Contact: /


Wednesday 27th November at 4:00pm (UK)


  • Andre Strydom, Professor in Intellectual Disabilities, King’s College London
  • Li Chan, Professor of Molecular Endocrinology and Metabolism, Honorary Consultant in Paediatric Endocrinology, Queen Mary University of London

Title: Go-DS21 – Gene overdose and comorbidities during early life In Down syndrome

Zoom meeting ID: 949 0713 7113

Zoom meeting passcode: 238322

Host: Andre Strydom (KCL), Li Chan (QMUL)

Contact: /


Monday 9th December at 4:00pm (UK)

Speaker: Natasha Duggan, University of Cambridge

Title: Nanobodies Targeting GABAA Receptors: Therapeutic applications in Rett Syndrome and Down Syndrome

Zoom meeting ID: 929 1143 6212

Zoom meeting passcode: 976801

Host: Natasha Duggan (Cambridge) and Clíona Farrell (UCL)

Contact: /


Wednesday 29th January at 4:00pm (UK)

Speaker: Patrick J. Lao, PhD – Assistant Professor of Neurological Sciences (in Neurology and in the Gertrude H. Sergievsky Center), Columbia University, New York

Title: Cerebrovascular disease emerges with age and Alzheimer’s disease in adults with Down syndrome

Zoom meeting ID: 967 7105 1772

Zoom meeting passcode: 021768

In person location: 3rd floor meeting room, Queen Square House, UCL

Host: Clíona Farrell and Elizabeth Fisher (UCL)

Contact: /