Recent advances in Research on Down syndrome
- Recent studies explore the neurodevelopmental impact of congenital heart defects on people with Down syndrome.
- Novel biomarkers for early stages of dementia in people with Down syndrome.
- Research on altered molecular pathways (neurogenesis, synaptic transmission, neurodegeneration) have revealed new pharmacological targets.
- Researchers are assessing ways to improve communication between parents and children with Down syndrome.
- Researchers are testing portable electronic devices designed to motivate increased physical activity among people with intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDDs) and to monitor their progress.
- Studies focused on reducing an imbalance between excitation and inhibition in the nervous system have provided some evidence of lasting effects.
- Research on different interventions during pregnancy has provided evidence of lasting effects on memory and cognition.
- Researchers are exploring ways to predict obstructive sleep apnoea in people with Down syndrome.
- Novel tools for cognitive assessment in young individuals and in demented patients.