We have been working with Down syndrome organizations across the world to help advocate for vaccination prioritization based on the scientific evidence, including the results of T21RS surveys, that suggest that adults with Down syndrome should to be considered as a risk population for COVID-19. Together, we have co-hosted several webinars to highlight the unique risks associated with COVID-19 in people with Down syndrome.
Five things you should know about COVID-19 vaccinations for people with Down syndrome
- Stay informed to keep you and your family protected against COVID-19 and the effects of the pandemic
Research continues to understand COVID-19 outcomes, optimal vaccination schedules, and tools to minimize the effects of the pandemic. Consult with your doctor and refer to this T21RS COVID website for reporting of new findings.
- COVID-19 vaccinations are safe in people with Down syndrome
The T21RS survey responses from nearly 2000 people with Down syndrome show that the vaccine is safe to use in both young people (12 – 17 years) and adults (18 and older) with Down syndrome.
- Side effects of the vaccine in people with Down syndrome are similar to people in the general population
The majority experienced either no reaction or only mild symptoms such as pain or redness at the injection site, or tiredness. In those who experienced symptoms due to vaccination, the vast majority (>95%) resolved by itself and did not require medical care.
- COVID-19 vaccines help to protect people with Down syndrome from developing severe illness.
A small number (0.8%) contracted COVID-19 after vaccination and more than half of these infections occurred between the first and second dose of the vaccine, so before they were considered fully vaccinated. All of those who contracted COVID-19 recovered.
- People with Down syndrome should be prioritized for COVID-19 vaccine boosters
Preliminary work has shown that the antibody response to the COVID-19 vaccine in adults with Down syndrome is robust, although less than in those without Down syndrome. This suggests that, similar to those without Down syndrome, subsequent vaccine doses (or boosters) may be needed.
For more details, please see the following statements
T21RS Statement with regards to vaccinations for people with Down syndrome during the COVID-19 pandemic
T21RS statement regarding COVID-19 booster vaccination for individuals with Down syndrome.
COVID-19 vaccinations are safe to use in people with Down syndrome