The Committee for Preclinical Research strives to establish common protocols for (pre)clinical research, thereby harmonizing and standardizing the worldwide efforts to investigate Down syndrome, thus enabling better comparisons between studies across the globe.
The Committee is pursuing its objectives to help standardise high quality preclinical research into Down syndrome, including by facilitating access to important resources, and helping provide essential robust data for those resources including controls.
Down syndrome: Progress in Brain Research, Volume 251, Preclinical Research in Down syndrome: insights for pathophysiology and treatments, (2020) Editor: Mara Dierssen. A comprehensive new book has just been published (2020) that describes in detail important aspects of preclinical research into Down syndrome: Progress in Brain Research, Volume 251, Preclinical Research in Down syndrome: insights for pathophysiology and treatments. The book is edited by Mara Dierssen as part of the activities of the T21RS Pre-Clinical Committee to serve our members. Members will have 30% discount.
Treatment outcomes in mouse models (2019), an updated Table has been loaded onto the Preclinical section of the T21RS website by Jean Delabar which contains comprehensive information on treatments in DS mouse models with a range of regimes.
Article may be downloaded from T21RS Downloads for Preclinical Research.
Overview of DS mouse models (2018) Created by Yann Herault with input from other members of the T21RS Preclinical Committee.
Article may be downloaded from T21RS Downloads for Preclinical Research.
Treatment outcomes in mouse models (2015), Table of comprehensive information on treatments in DS mouse models with a range of regimes.