Acknowledgments: Trisomy 21 Research Society (T21RS) COVID-19 Taskforce developed the survey, with the financial and dissemination support of Down Syndrome Affiliates in Action (DSAIA), Down Syndrome Medical Interest Group-USA (DSMIG-USA), GiGi’s Playhouse, Jerome Lejeune Foundation, LuMind IDSC Foundation, Matthews Foundation, National Down Syndrome Society (NDSS), and the National Task Group on Intellectual Disabilities and Dementia Practices (NTG). These and many other international Down syndrome organizations are members of the T21RS COVID-19 stakeholders advisory group, including Global Down syndrome (USA), DSA (UK), DSMIG (UK), DSMIG (USA), DSRF-UK, DSi, DSE international, Trisomie21-France, Down España, National Down syndrome congress (NDSC), Down Madrid, FCSD (Spain), EDSA, Royal College of Psychiatrists (UK), CoorDown (Italy), AIPD (Italy), AFRT (France), Fundación Iberoamericana Down 21 (Spain), FIADOWN (Latin America), Deutsches Down-Syndrom InfoCenter (Germany), Down Syndrome Resource Foundation (Canada) and Canadian Down Syndrome Society (Canada). We also wish to thank the many families and clinicians who contributed to the survey |