In Barcelona we brought together a total of 429 scientists, families, and industry representatives from 36 countries to the 3rd meeting of T21RS. The most represented countries were Spain, USA, France, Italy, United Kingdom, and Brazil, but we had attendees from many other countries. 167 posters were presented from which 65 had the opportunity to present also a short talk or a nano symposium, four plenary lectures, 3 satellite symposium, 14 symposia (70 talks), an Industry session, Education Committee Session, and the full day Families’ Program including the Science and Society Symposium.
We had a full day families Program, the Science and Society Symposium and an amazing and inspiring Social Program.
The meeting was supported by the 11 members of the Organising Committee, 12 PhD/Postdoc volunteers and 9 volunteers with Down syndrome, 10 members of the Program Committee, and had also support of the 11 members of the executive board. The technical secretariat managed more than 7.300 emails and we had the support of 19 companies/institutions. Importantly, nearly 40% of attendees were students and post-doctoral fellows – these young investigators represent the next generation of Down syndrome researchers. We were able to support the travel of 57 early career investigators through the support of generous donors and the NIH. 15 attendees represented seven different Pharma or Biopharma companies and 97 had an MD degree; these are critically important areas for interaction with the basic research community, and fostering these exchanges is a fundamental goal of T21RS.